1. Nombre de la Asignatura | 2. Nivel de formación | 3. Clave de la Asignatura |
4. Prerrequisitos | 5. Area de Formación | 6. Departamento |
Pre | Especializante Obligatoria | Departamento de Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales |
7. Academia | 8. Modalidad | 9. Tipo de Asignatura |
Administración Internacional | Semipresencial Mixta | Curso-Taller |
10. Carga Horaria | |||
Teoría | Práctica | Total | Créditos |
40 | 40 | 80 | 8 |
12. Trayectoria de la asignatura |
13. Presentación |
The Intercultural Communication in Business course consists of 5 units that go from the general to the particular, starting with the study of intercultural diversity, cultural gaps in language and communication strategies in business and concluding with the identification and analysis of the cultural characteristics and styles of international negotiations. |
14.- Objetivos del programa |
Objetivo General |
That the student knows the challenges of living in a world in which he will have to interact, increasingly, with people who are fundamentally different. The main objectives are to help you keep in mind the differences that occur in intercultural communication and provide you with the knowledge and skills that will allow you to be successful when interacting with people from cultures other than yours, as well as geographically locating a los países del mundo. |
15.-Contenido | |
Contenido temático | |
Contenido desarrollado | |
0. Leveling of Knowledge of Universal Geography. 0.1 AFRICA. Location, capitals and relevant characteristics of each country, geopolitical groups, acuerdos comerciales, etc. 0.2 AMERICA. Location, capitals and relevant characteristics of each country, geopoliticalg roups, trade agreements, etc. 0.3 ASIA. Location, capitals and relevant characteristics of each country, geopolitical groups, agreements comerciales, etc. 0.4 EUROPE. Location, capitals and relevant characteristics of each country, geopolitical groups, acuerdos comerciales, etc. 0.5 OCEANIA. Location, capitals and relevant characteristics of each country, geopolitical groups, acuerdos comerciales, etc. 1Intercultural diversity in business. 1.1 Culture, enculturation, acculturation and ethnocentrism. 1.2 Subculture and subgroups. 1.3 Global mentality. 2. Cultural gaps in business. 2.1 Values 2.2 Semantic differences 2.3 Attitudes and cultural behaviors. 2.4 Religious Influence 2.5 Individualism and collectivism. 3. Language in global business. 3.1 High and low context language. 3.2 Linguistic diversity. 3.3 Linear and nonlinear language 3.4 Language and cultural interaction. 3.5 Communication barriers 4. Communication strategy in business. 4.1 Verbal and nonverbal. 4.2 Communication models. 4.3 Customs and protocol in oral and written communications. 5. Cultural characteristics and styles in international negotiations. 5.1 Characteristics of negotiation in America. 5.2 Characteristics of negotiation in Europe. 5.3 Characteristics of negotiation in Orient. 5.4 Characteristics of negotiation in Oceanía. 5.5 Characteristics of negotiation in África. |
16. Actividades Prácticas |
The extracurricular activities related to this signature are: a) Attendance at conferences, seminars and conventions that on the subject are organized by the department or other entity; b) Guided visits to companies or organizations; c) The tutorials received by students who request them from this Department via the career coordinator of the specific educational program; d) Business linking through the application or transmission of knowledge; e) Reading of selected subjects in a foreign language. |
17.- Metodología |
Traditional, deductive, analytical, descriptive, explanatory, previous reading, discussion of topics, research papers, teacher exposition, student exposition, artículos, whiteboards, slides, textbooks. |
18.- Evaluación |
Los criterios de asistencia para el ciclo escolar 2023 A, serán: Los criterios de evaluación del curso se definen por los miembros de la academia y considerándose los siguientes elementos: Periodo de exámenes ordinarios y extraordinarios del 16 al 20 de mayo del 2023. Asistencia al 80% de las clases para el período ordinario, captura de calificaciones del 20 al 23 de mayo del 2023. Asistencia al 65% de las clases para el período extraordinario, captura de calificaciones 20 al 23 de mayo del 2023. Fin de ciclo escolar "A" para estudiantes 20 de mayo del 2023. Los días de descanso establecidos en los contratos colectivos de trabajo celebrados con STAUdeG, serán publicados mediante circulares emitidas por la Secretaría General. Ponderación: Participación en clase 10%. Tarea 30%. Trabajo en equipo y su exposición respetando las citas APA 40%. Exámenes parciales (2) 20%. El alumno deberá de asistir de manera obligatoria al NEGOMARKET del 2 al 6 de mayo del 2023. |
19.- Bibliografía |
Otros materiales |
20.- Perfil del profesor |
Have a postgraduate degree preferably in International business and Marketing with desirable experience in the area at least for 2 years. |
21.- Nombre de los profesores que imparten la materia |
22.- Lugar y fecha de su aprobación |
El programa fue evaluado y revisado por los
profesores que integran la Academia de Administración Internacional del Colegio
Departamental de Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales el 13 de enero del 2023. La fecha del Taller de Actualización será: 13 de enero del 2023. |
23.- Instancias que aprobaron el programa |
The program was evaluated and reviewed by the teachers that make up the Academy of International Business from the Departamental College of Marketing and International Business on January 6th, 2023. |
24.- Archivo (Documento Firmado) |
IH010.pdf |