International Branding
Datos Generales
1. Nombre de la Asignatura 2. Nivel de formación 3. Clave de la Asignatura
International Branding Licenciatura CU004
4. Prerrequisitos 5. Area de Formación 6. Departamento
Pre Especializante Selectiva Departamento de Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales
7. Academia 8. Modalidad 9. Tipo de Asignatura
Comercio y Operaciones Internacionales Semipresencial Mixta Curso-Taller
10. Carga Horaria
Teoría Práctica Total Créditos
20 20 40 8
12. Trayectoria de la asignatura
Contenido del Programa
13. Presentación

The student will be able to identify the different company’s paths that travel for their Brand to be known, positioned and recognized almost anywhere in the world. In the other hand students will be able to answer why Brands are important, what they represent to consumers, and what firms should do to manage them properly.

A great task of organizations is to internationalize and thereby give value to their brand and the Bachelor of International Business as a strategy for the strategic application process.

The professional of the international business will be the one that designs, short, medium and long

 term strategies that brands can implement  to gain international positioning and recognition.

14.- Objetivos del programa
Objetivo General

Know and apply methodologies that require globalized knowledge about

International business in order to build international brands charged of extra value

coming from positioning and differentiation.

Contenido temático

PART I Opening Perspectives

PART II Developing a Brand Strategy

PART III Designing and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs


 PART IV Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

 PART V Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity

 PART VI Closing Perspectives

Contenido desarrollado

PART I.  Opening Perspectives

 Chapter 1 Brands and Brand Management

 PART II.  Developing a Brand Strategy

 Chapter 2 Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning

 Chapter 3 Brand Resonance and the Brand Value Chain

 PART III.  Designing and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs

 Chapter 4 Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity

 Chapter 5 Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity

 Chapter 6 Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity

 Chapter 7 Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity

 PART IV.  Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

 Chapter 8 Developing a Brand Equity Measurement and Management System

 Chapter 9 Measuring Sources of Brand Equity: Capturing Customer Mind-Set

 Chapter 10 Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity: Capturing Market Performance

 PART V.   Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity

 Chapter 11 Designing and Implementing Branding Architecture Strategies

 Chapter 12 Introducing and Naming New Products and Brand Extensions

 Chapter 13 Managing Brands Over Time

 Chapter 14 Managing Brands Over Geographic Boundaries and Market Segments

 PART VI.   Closing Perspectives

 Chapter 15 Closing Observations

16. Actividades Prácticas

Presentation of an International Branding work. Assistance to congresses of Marketing and Marketing of Goods. Attend (NEGOMARKET) from may 1 to 6, 2023.

17.- Metodología

The application of the course methodology will be in a participatory environment with presentations and dissertations by the teacher using diverse audiovisual media.


Supported by research and presentations of students both individually and by team.


Accompanied by group dynamics to address, analyze and design strategies and solutions to issues related to the subject.

  Always based on bibliographic references and other types.

18.- Evaluación

Cases and Tasks 20%

Exams                30%

Final assignment 50%

Total                  100%

El ciclo escolar 2023 A inicia el lunes 16 de enero de 2023.

Asistencia del 80% de las clases para tener derecho a calificación en el periodo ordinario.

Asistencia al 65% de las clases para tener derecho a calificación en el periodo extraordinario.

Periodo de Evaluación a alumnos para el Ciclo 2023-A (Comprende ordinario y extraordinario) del 20 al 23 de mayo de 2023

19.- Bibliografía
Otros materiales
20.- Perfil del profesor

The professor must have a background in economic-administrative sciences, preferably with a bachelor's or master's degree in International Business, International Commerce, Marketing or equivalent, and a second language domain.

21.- Nombre de los profesores que imparten la materia
22.- Lugar y fecha de su aprobación

It was reviewed and updated in CUCEA in the Department of Marketing and International Business in G 306, in January 2023 at the Academy Meeting

23.- Instancias que aprobaron el programa

Program approved in the Departmental College Meeting, in the Department of Marketing and International Business in G 306, in January 2023.

24.- Archivo (Documento Firmado)
International Branding.pdf