Cocina Creativa
Datos Generales
1. Nombre de la Asignatura 2. Nivel de formación 3. Clave de la Asignatura
Cocina Creativa Licenciatura CU200
4. Prerrequisitos 5. Area de Formación 6. Departamento
Pre Optativa abierta Departamento de Turismo, Recreación y Servicio
7. Academia 8. Modalidad 9. Tipo de Asignatura
Gestión Gastronómica Presencial Curso-Taller
10. Carga Horaria
Teoría Práctica Total Créditos
40 40 80 8
12. Trayectoria de la asignatura
Contenido del Programa
13. Presentación

Gastronomy and the way it has been perceived by people has changed gradually over the years. Trends in gastronomy goes form mixing physical and chemical elements until returning into the traditional natural cooking elements and methods.


However, in recent years there have been a series of proposals that have dramatically modified the way people appreciate and provide food. Cooking methods, presenting dishes as well as using and processing ingredients turn into a mandatory knowledge.


 That’s why, the demands of the guests and especially cuisine passionate have resulted in great creative and gastronomic artists who involve all the senses, not just the taste. Due to that, gastronomy professionals must be better prepared without losing their personal touch and creativity.


A true cook is an artist with the appropriate skills who uses its imagination to create amazing dishes.


The aim of this subject goes towards the presentation and decoration of dishes, from the correct use and manipulation of ingredients, to the vast options by analyzing the trends to make a dish look amazing using creativity, imagination and developing their own style.


14.- Objetivos del programa
Objetivo General


To use learned techniques and trends to develop a personal gastronomic portfolio. 

Contenido temático

Unit 1. Gastronomic core

Unit 2. Handling food

Unit 3. Trends in gastronomy

Unit 4. The esthetic of the dish

Contenido desarrollado


Aim: Analyze different techniques and trends in gastronomy

  1. Gastronomy history
  2. Gastronomy trends
  3. The affair between UNESCO and gastronomy


Aim: Identify and analyze the different processes and stages for the handling and manipulation of food

2.1 Identify ingredients and utensils

2.2 Mexican ingredients and products

2.3 Cooking techniques

2.4 Cooking methods



Aim: Apply tried and true techniques to present a dish

3.1 Concept

3.2 Culinary art

3.3 Decoration techniques

3.4 Trends



Aim: To propose culinary techniques to present a dish

4.1 Proposals


16. Actividades Prácticas

Practices through visits to gastronomic centers to check facilities and services. Attend workshops, talks, conferences and forums Professional practices (minimum hours according to what is established in the institution)

17.- Metodología

This program is based on the educational model based on competencies, where learning focuses in the student who develop skills like: analyze, describe, explain and cooperate.

18.- Evaluación

20% Professional practices

20% Class practices

20% Portfolio

20% Attendance and homework

20% Final exam

19.- Bibliografía
Otros materiales
20.- Perfil del profesor

Degree in Gastronomy, Tourism or related. Professional experience in the area. Master the subject. Ability to apply fair criteria in evaluations. Teaching experience.

21.- Nombre de los profesores que imparten la materia
22.- Lugar y fecha de su aprobación

This program was approved in the city of Zapopan, Jalisco. December, 2016

Academia de Gestión de Servicios Turí­sticos

Participants in the preparation of the program:

Pérez Reyes Geraldina

Codigo 9518851

Garcia Lorena


 Update: 12 de septiembre del 2019.

23.- Instancias que aprobaron el programa

Colegio Departamental, Academia de Lenguas, Academia de Gestión Gastronómica

24.- Archivo (Documento Firmado)